Method FTPClient():setTransferMode() Professional

Set the mode with which the transfer is performed.

:setTransferMode( <nMode> ) --> self
This parameter controls how the transaction is performed. One #define constant from the ASINET.CH file must be used:
Constant Description
FTP_TRANSFER_TYPE_ASCII Transfers the file using FTP ASCII, Type A, transfer method. Control and formatting data is converted to local equivalents
FTP_TRANSFER_TYPE_BINARY Transfers the file using FTP Image, Type I, transfer method. The file is transferred exactly as it exists with no changes. This is the default transfer method.
FTP_TRANSFER_TYPE_UNKNOWN *) File is transferred in binary mode
  1. default

This method returns the object of the class.


With this method the transfer mode, with which the transfer is performed, may be set. Basically there are two techniques for this. In binary mode each byte is transferred exactly as it is. This mode is used for transferring data which must not be changed in any way. The ascii mode is used for transferring textual data where formatting characters may be changed to local settings.


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