Language Elements and Reference:xpplrm

Operators Foundation

The compiler identifies operators as one or two specific characters in the program code. An operator specifies how values are to be manipulated and completes an operation using one or more operands. The Xbase++ compiler recognizes the operators in the following list:

Operators in Xbase++
Operators Description / Operation Performed
& () [] -> : Special operators
++ -- Prefix increment/decrement
- + Unary minus/plus operator
** ^ Exponentiation
* / % Multiplication, division, modulus
+ - Addition, subtraction
= == != <> # <= >= < > $ .IN. Comparison operators
.NOT. ! Logical negation
.AND. Logical AND
.OR. Logical OR
= := += -= *= /= ^= **= %= (combined) assignment operators
++ -- Postfix increment/decrement

The operators are listed in the table in order of descending precedence.


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