Language Elements and Reference:xpplrm

Operations with memos Foundation

Values of the "memo" data type can exist only in files, which means that only field variables can contain memos. When a field variable with the "memo" data type is assigned to a memory variable, the memory variable has the "character" data type. All operations performed on variables with the "character" data type may also be used with variables of the "memo" data type. The "memo" data type is used for field variables that store character strings of variable lengths. Special functions for processing memos are shown in the following table:

Functions for memos and character values:
Function Description
HardCR() Replaces "soft" return with "hard" return
MemoEdit() Edits memo field or text
MemoLine() Extracts line from text
MemoRead() Reads ASCII file
MemoTran() Replaces "soft" and "hard" return
MemoWrit() Writes text to ASCII file
MlCount() Determines number of lines in text
MlCtoPos() Determines absolute position of a character in text
MlPos() Determines start position of a line in text
MPostoLc() Determines relative row and column position from absolute position

Memos are character strings that can be formatted as text. The formatting is done using special characters, like tabs and carriage returns. These are non-printable characters contained in the character string, text, or memo. The tab is the ASCII character 9 (Chr(9)) and a carriage return consists of the two ASCII characters 13 and 10 (Chr(13) + Chr(10)). The memo functions consider these special characters for formatting text. There are two types of carriage returns: the "hard" and the "soft". The "hard" return consists of the two ASCII characters 13 and 10 (Chr(13)+Chr(10)). The "soft" return consists of the ASCII characters 141 and 10 (Chr(141)+Chr(10)). The "soft" return is automatically inserted into text when it is processed using MemoEdit().


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