Programming Guide:xppguide

Basic usage Foundation

Identifying COM/ActiveX components

Every installed COM/ActiveX component is listed in the Windows registry under the key HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT. It appears as follows:


Additionally, all of those keys have a subkey called CLSID. The default value of this subkey can also be used to identify the COM/ActiveX component. The Microsoft Word Application can be accessed in the following way, for example:

oWord := CreateObject( "{000209FF-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}" ) 

Creating COM/ActiveX components

A COM/ActiveX component can be created using the function CreateObject(). CreateObject() returns an object of class AutomationObject(), which is connected to the newly created COM/ActiveX component. The Xbase++ application then uses the AutomationObject to interoperate with the COM/ActiveX component.

The functionality made available by a COM/ActiveX component may actually be supplied by another (non-Xbase++) application! Often, the AutomationObject obtained through CreateObject() can be used to control the supplying application itself. This process is known as Automation and is illustrated in the following example.

#pragma library( "ascom10.lib" ) 
LOCAL oWord 

// Create a new Word application. 
// The object returned can subsequently be used to 
// automate the new copy of Word. 
oWord := CreateObject( "Word.Application" ) 
IF NIL == oWord 
   ? "Error" 
   ? ComLastError() 
   ? ComLastMessage() 

Using existing COM/ActiveX components

For accessing a COM/ActiveX component that has already been created, the function GetObject() is used. A character string passed as a parameter identifies the class of the COM/ActiveX component. Similar to the function CreateObject(), GetObject() returns an instance of class AutomationObject().

If a corresponding COM/ActiveX component has not been created yet, then GetObject() creates a component, applying the same method as CreateObject().

#pragma library( "ascom10.lib" ) 
LOCAL oWord 

// Access an existing Word Application. 
// Run a new copy of Word only if it 
// hadn't been started yet 
oWord := GetObject( NIL, "Word.Application" ) 
IF NIL == oWord 
   ? "Error" 
   ? ComLastError() 
   ? ComLastMessage() 

Accessing COM/ActiveX functionality

Similar to an object in Xbase++, a COM/ActiveX component offers functionality through methods and properties. Xbase++ provides access to the properties and methods of a COM/ACtiveX component through the class AutomationObject(). Whenever a COM/ActiveX component is requested using functions such as GetObject() or CreateObject(), the component will be supplied as an instance of class AutomationObject.

To invoke a method on an COM/ActiveX component, an application calls a method of the AutomationObject. The AutomationObject then forwards the method call to the COM/ActiveX component to which it is connected to. It also takes care of converting parameters and handling errors that may result from the COM/ActiveX method invoked. An AutomationObject always provides the same methods as the connected COM/ActiveX component.

Similarly, the AutomationObject provides a member variable of the same name for each property provided by the connected COM/ActiveX component. Reading or writing the value of a COM/ActiveX property is done through manipulation of the AutomationObject's member variable.

#pragma library( "ascom10.lib" ) 
LOCAL oWord 

oWord := GetObject( NIL, "Word.Application" ) 
IF NIL == oWord 
   ? "Error" 
   ? ComLastError() 
   ? ComLastMessage() 

// Use the AutomationObject to 
// access the COM/ActiveX property 
// "visible" 
oWord:visible := .T. 


// Use the AutomationObject to 
// call the COM/ActiveX method 
// "quit" 


COM/ActiveX components sometimes implement properties that use multiple parameters. Such a property can be seen as a member variable that stores a complex type and thus requires additional information to manipulate its value. The cells contained in a spreadsheet document may be maintained as a multi-parameter property, for example. In Xbase++, the syntactical equivalent to such a property is a method. Consequently, an application uses methods of the connected AutomationObject to access the multi-parameter COM/ActiveX property. The special method :getProperty() is used whenever you intend to retrieve the value of the property. Alternatively, a method call can be performed to obtain the property value. This is similar to calling an ACCESS method defined for a member variable directly.

To write the value of a multi-parameter COM/ActiveX property, the method :setProperty() must be used.

#pragma library( "ascom10.lib" ) 
LOCAL oExcel, oSheet, oCell 

oExcel := CreateObject( "Excel.Application" ) 
IF NIL == oExcel 
   ? "Error" 
   ? ComLastError() 
   ? ComLastMessage() 
oExcel:visible := .T. 

oSheet := oExcel:workbooks:add():activeSheet 

// Access the property "cells" that takes two 
// parameters. Syntactically, this looks like 
// a method call. In this case, the value of 
// the property is another AutomationObject. 
// Alternatively, the following code can 
// be used: 
//   oSheet:getProperty( "Cells", 1, 1 ) 
oCell := oSheet:Cells( 1, 1 ) 

// Manipulate the AutomationObject retrieved 
oCell:Value := "Hallo" 





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