Programming Guide:xppguide

The Xbase++ DatabaseEngine Foundation

This chapter describes the concepts of the Xbase++ DatabaseEngine and many aspects of its use. Contrary to other Xbase development environments, there is not a single monolithic database driver in Xbase++ (even one that is replaceable such as a Replaceable Database Driver, or "RDD"). Instead, Xbase++ uses the concept of a "database engine" ("DBE"), which consists of individual components. These components are objects which make services (methods) available for data and file management. The individual components can be assembled into a compound DBE. With this modular concept the programmer has the flexibility to access the various database models available today, as well as any model in the future.

Basics of DatabaseEngines

DatabaseEngines and programming language

Determine information about DatabaseEngines

The function DbeInfo()

The function DbInfo()

The function FieldInfo()


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