Internet Technologies:waa

Access a WAA form function Professional

The following example shows the pattern of HTML tags to be used for exchanging data between a remote client (Web browser) and the WAA server (package DLL).

1: <FORM ACTION="/cgi-bin/waa1gate.exe" METHOD=POST> 
2: <INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME="WAA_PACKAGE"     VALUE="[package-DLL name]"> 
3: <INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME="WAA_FORM"        VALUE="[function name]"> 
4: <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="[variable name]" SIZE=20> 
5: <INPUT TYPE=submit VALUE="Send"> 
6: </FORM> 

The <FORM> tag marks the beginning of the definition of data to be sent from a Web browser to the WAA server. For the attribute ACTION=, the value "/cgi-bin/waa1gate.exe" must be used. This instructs the HTTP server to pass received name/value pairs to the gateway which forwards them to the WAA server. It is recommended to specify METHOD=POST instead of METHOD=GET. The latter restricts the length of a forwarded string to 127 characters.
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME="WAA_PACKAGE" ...> must be used in order to specify the package DLL that is to process a remote client request. The name of the package DLL is specified with the VALUE= attribute. Note that the name of the package DLL must be included in the WAA1SRV.CFG file as well. An example for the configuration file is this line:

addpkg = \alaska\waa1w32\source\samples\waa\alaska1\myWebApp 

<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME="WAA_FORM" ...> must be used for specifying the name of the function within package DLL that is to be invoked after a remote client request. The name of the function is specified with the VALUE= attribute.
<INPUT TYPE=text NAME= ...> must be used when data is entered on a remote station and sent to the server. The NAME= attribute defines the variable name which must be passed as a character string to the oHTML:getVar() method when retrieving remotely edited data in the Web application. Note that TYPE= specifies the type of the edit control displayed in the Web browser. TYPE=text displays a single line entry field.
At least one TYPE=submit must be present in an HTML page. It displays a pushbutton that submits data of the <FORM> to the HTTP server. The VALUE= attribute defines the caption of the pushbutton.
The closing tag </FORM> is required to mark the end of a form displayed in a Web browser.

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