Parameter API Foundation
The parameter API provides simple extensions of Xbase++ functionality. The prototype for C functions called from Xbase++ is:
XPPRET XPPENTRY c_function(XppParamList XppParameters)
Access functions available in the parameter API allow access to values of the argument containers passed in <Xbase2Parameters>. Parameter API functions can also be used to set the value returned to Xbase++.
It should be noted that the parameter API is specifically for C. This means that when parameters are read, the data is converted into C data types. Data is again converted when it is written, this time into Xbase++ internal data types. Since an Xbase++ container can contain any data type, the C programmer should test the type of a parameter before reading it. The values that each of the parameter API functions return when incorrect parameter types are passed is described in the documentation of the individual API functions. The following chapter lists all the functions of the parameter API in alphabetical order.
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