Programming Tools:prgtools

Options for XPPLOAD.EXE Foundation

This utility program is started on the command line using the following syntax:

XPPLOAD [<options>] [version] [[<path>]<file1>] [<file2>] [@<list-file>] 

The following switches are available:


Display help screen.


Suppress output of the footer.


Suppress output of the logo.


Display results ordererd by criteria:

Order by
Option Order by
/od Date and time
/oe Extension
/ol Location
/on Name *)
/os Size
/ov Version
  1. default


Use <dir> as root dir for Xbase++ installation for the following version check.

XppLoad /r:d:\xppw32 

will search for Xbase++ runtime and executable files starting in D:\XPPW32 and subdirectories. Only one subdirectory level will be processed, e.g. D:\XPPW32\LIB, but not D:\XPPW32\LIB\MYLIBS. The default value for the root dir is determined by running Xpp.exe for the BIN directory and by loading XppNat.dll for the LIB directory. It is usually the first entry found in the PATH environment variable pointing to an Xbase++ installation.


Set display style of output:

Display style
Option Style
/sa display all information
/sb brief: file name preceded by path
/sd like directory entry *)
/sv display all version information per entry
  1. default


Display type of application: GUI (linked /PM:PM) or console (linked /PM:VIO) or DOS (16-bit Dos application).


Display only files matching the version <ver>.

XppLoad /v:1.7.267 

will show files belonging to the desired version only.


Start automatic mode. Xppload will show the file names and the directory locations of Xbase++ - relevant executable files.


In command version mode, XPPLOAD accepts file names or list files. The following file types are supported:

File types
Extension File type Look in variable
.BAT batch file PATH
.CMD batch file PATH
.COM executable PATH
.DLL executable PATH
.EXE executable PATH
.LIB import library LIB
.EXP export object LIB
.CH include file INCLUDE
.H include file INCLUDE

XPPLOAD version XppRt1.dll 

will search for Xpprt1.dll, print the directory from where the DLL will be used and the version. If the directory is explicetly supplied, XPPLOAD will try to find the file there and prints the version if found.


A list of files is a text file which contains one file name per line, and passed to XppLoad with a preceding @-sign:

XPPLOAD version @dlllist.lst 

!BXppload return codes

If "Xppload" is executed from a batch file or makefile its return codes can be checked:

Return code Required option Meaning
0 ok
1 general error
2 commandline error
3 DLL version error
4 DLL not found
5 /t file is 32bit GUI/PM
6 /t file is 32bit CONSOLE/VIO
7 /t file is 16bit (DOS)


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