Programming Tools:prgtools

Creating DLL files Foundation

Dynamic linked libraries (DLL files) form the basis of the operating system and should generally be considered as part of an application during program development under Xbase++. This chapter discusses how to build DLL files and uses as an example the following three procedures, each of which is assumed to be programmed in a separate PRG file:

** File MAIN.PRG **                    // This file is used to 
PROCEDURE Main                      // create an EXE file. 
   SayHello()                       // Procedures are contained 
   SayHi()                          // in a DLL file. 

** File SAYHELLO.PRG **                // These two files are used 
PROCEDURE SayHello                  // to create a DLL file. 
   ? "Hello world" 

** File SAYHI.PRG ** 
   ? "Hi folks" 

The Xbase++ ProjectBuilder provides the easiest way for creation of a DLL file since it can perform all necessary steps automatically. It is only required to create a project file which contains separate sections for EXE and DLL files. An appropriate project template for the ProjectBuilder can look like this:





The entire project consists of one EXE and one DLL file. The template lists the coresponding PRG source files in two separate sections. The section for the EXE file includes the import library MYFUNCS.LIB which is necessary for using DLL functions. This template must be expanded by calling PBUILD with the /g option and a second call - without the /g option - finally creates both EXE and DLL with its import library file.

If a DLL file is to be created without the ProjectBuilder, using a Make utility, for example, a total of five different steps must be performed:

Compile all PRG files required for the DLL file with the /dll compiler switch.
Create a file with the definitions for the modules in the DLL file (DEF file). This file contains a list of all functions or procedures which are exported from the DLL file and can be imported to an EXE file. This task is accomplished by the utility progam XPPFILT.EXE.
Create an import library (LIB) and an export file (EXP) from the DEF file. This is done by the utility program AIMPLIB.EXE.
Link OBJ files with the EXP file to a DLL.
To be able to use the new DLL file with a newly created EXE file, the import library (LIB) must be linked to the EXE file.

The following example describes these five steps. It uses the three PRG files MAIN.PRG, SAYHELLO.PRG and SAYHI.PRG:

Step 1: Compiling

Files for an EXE file or a DLL file must be compiled differently:

XPP main     /q /b 

XPP sayhello /q /b /dll 
XPP sayhi    /q /b /dll 

Three OBJ files are created. The MAIN.OBJ file can only be linked to an EXE file and the files SAYHELLO.OBJ and SAYHI.OBJ can only be linked to a DLL file.

Step 2: Create the DEF file

To use a DLL file, all functions or procedures which can be called from outside the DLL must be known (export definitions). Definitions for exported functions or procedures are listed in a DEF file which is created by the utility program XPPFILT.EXE. It generates a DEF file from a list of OBJ files which are to be linked to a DLL:

xppfilt sayhello.obj sayhi.obj /f:myfuncs.def 

XPPFILT.EXE creates the file MYFUNCS.DEF which contains all information for creating the file MYFUNCS.DLL. The example DEF file looks as follows:

05:   EXPORTS 
07:   ;From object file: sayhello.obj 
08:    SAYHELLO 
10:   ;From object file: sayhi.obj 
11:    SAYHI 

In the DEF file, comment lines start with semicolons. All other lines contain statements for the linker. The statement LIBRARY declares the file name of the DLL file and indicates whether the initialization routines in the DLL file are executed only once during loading or each time a process requires the DLL file. All DLL files created with Xbase++ must execute their initialization routines for each process (each program) and INITINSTANCE (line 1) must always be specified.

When multiple Xbase++ programs access the same DLL file, they can only share the program code and not the variables declared in it. All data in a DLL file must be given the attributes MULTIPLE NONSHARED READWRITE. This is done using the statement DATA (line 2).

The option LOADONCALL specified in the statements DATA and CODE specify that the DLL file is loaded into memory only when a module contained in the DLL file is executed. The alternative is the option PRELOAD, which specifies that loading takes place at the start of the EXE file (lines 2 and 3).

On Win32 platforms, the options PRELOAD and LOADONCALL have no effect. Instead, modules are always loaded on-demand (similar to LOADONCALL).

Following the EXPORTS statement (line 5) all identifiers (names) for exported functions and procedures must be listed. Each identifier must appear on a line by itself. Only the functions or procedures specified following the EXPORTS statement can be called from an EXE file.

If classes are declared in a DLL file, only the class names must be listed, not the method names declared for a class. The class name is also the name of the class function and this must be defined as exported.

Step 3: Create the import library

The DEF file is used by the utility program AIMPLIB.EXE to create an import library (LIB file) and an export file (EXP file):

aimplib myfuncs.def 

As a result, the files MYFUNCS.LIB and MYFUNCS.EXP are created. The LIB file contains information about what can be imported by an EXE file and the EXP file defines what is exported from a DLL file.

Step 4: Create the DLL file

When the EXP file exists, the DLL file can be created by the linker. All OBJ files plus the EXP file must be specified:

ALINK /DLL sayhello.obj sayhi.obj myfuncs.exp /OUT:myfuncs.dll 

OBJ files must be linked using the /DLL option. The name of the DLL file is defined using the /OUT option.

Step 5: Create the EXE file

The last step creates the executable EXE file. All import libraries containing references to additional DLL files must be specified to the linker:

ALINK main.obj myfuncs.lib 

This call to ALINK creates the executable file MAIN.EXE as text mode application. It contains no code from the DLL file, but references the dynamic library MYFUNCS.DLL. The code from this file is loaded when a function contained in the DLL is called from MAIN.EXE.


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