Member variable XbpStatic():options Foundation

Options for an XbpStatic object.

Attribute: EXPORTED
Data type: Numeric

The instance variable :options defines options for the appearance of XbpStatic objects of different types. Constants are used for this instance variable depending on :type.


If an XbpStatic object displays text, :options can be used to align the text within the rectangular area of the XbpStatic object. Constants defined in the XBP.CH file are used for :options. These constants are listed in the table below. If combinations of alignment options are required, the sum of the appropriate constants must be assigned to the instance variable :options.

#define constants for aligning text
Constant Description
XBPSTATIC_TEXT_LEFT Text is left aligned
XBPSTATIC_TEXT_CENTER Text is horizontally centered
XBPSTATIC_TEXT_RIGHT Text is right aligned
XBPSTATIC_TEXT_TOP Text is displayed at top
XBPSTATIC_TEXT_VCENTER Text is vertically centered
XBPSTATIC_TEXT_BOTTOM Text is displayed at bottom
XBPSTATIC_TEXT_WORDBREAK Text is wrapped (multi-line)

XBPSTATIC_TEXT_WORDBREAK is a special option which causes text to be wrapped into several lines. Carriage Return (Chr(13)) and Line Feed (Chr(10)) are used to determine where the line breaks should occur. Carriage Return characters cause the text to be displayed on the next line and Line Feed characters cause the display to skip to the line after the next. In other words, the line feed (Chr(10)) inserts a blank line. Selecting option XBPSTATIC_TEXT_WORDBREAK implicitly causes the text to be displayed at the top of the static object. Changing the vertical text alignment is no longer possible.

Box and Frame

If an XbpStatic object is to display a box or frame, :options defines whether to draw a thin or a thick frame. For this the constants XBPSTATIC_FRAMETHIN and XBPSTATIC_FRAMETHICK are used. A thin frame is drawn by default.


When an XbpStatic object displays a bitmap, the #define constant XBPSTATIC_BITMAP_TILED can be assigned to :options. It results in a tiled display of the image. By default, a bitmap is displayed in its original size. If the size of the XbpStatic object is smaller than the bitmap, the image is truncated. If it is larger than the bitmap, areas not covered by the image are displayed using the XbpStatic's background color. Alternatively, the #define constant XBPSTATIC_BITMAP_SCALED can be set in :options. This causes the bitmap to be scaled to the size of the XbpStatic object.


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