Member variable Error():canDefault Foundation

Indicates whether or not default error handling is possible.

Attribute: EXPORTED
Data type: Logical

This instance variable contains a logical value indicating whether default error handling is available for the error condition. A value of .T. (True) indicates that a default routine exists that can handle the error. Default error handling may not be able to rectify the error, but at a minimum allows the program to ignore the error and continue.

If default error recovery is desired, the error handler code block should return .F. (false). (.F. means: "no error; execute default action"). If the error handler code block returns the value .T. (true), the last executed operation is reported to the program as defective and the program once again calls the error handler.

the instance variable :canDefault never contains .T. (true) if the instance variable :canSubstitute contains the value .T.


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