Member variable HttpManager():UseUploadFolder Foundation
Specifies whether uploaded files are stored in a local drive
If the value .T. (true) is specified for the UseUploadFolderinstance variable, all files uploaded from the web browser are written to the web server's hard drive during the upload process.
Setting UseUploadFolder to .T. can be useful to avoid holding large files in memory. By default, a file uploaded from the web browser is held in memory by the <CXP/> worker process. This can be problematic in case the file size exceeds the amount of memory which can be addressed by a process. Also, one <CXP/> worker process is started for each client connected. In heavy workload situations where files are uploaded from several clients at once, the memory consumption of the worker processes combined can exhaust the total amount of memory available on the web server. To avoid such situations, .T. can be assigned to the instance variable UseUploadFolder.
For additional information about the handling of uploaded files also refer to the chapter HttpUploadedFile.
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