Event XbpHTMLViewer():progressChange Foundation

Indicates a change in progress of the current operation.

:progressChange := {| nProgress, nProgressMax, self | ... }
:progressChange( <nProgress>, <nProgressMax> ) --> self
xbeHTML_ProgressChange (1049331)
A numeric value indicating the total progress made so far. The progress value is specified in relation to <nProgressMax>.
The maximum progress value.

This method returns the object executing the method (self).


The xbeHTML_ProgressChange notification informs the application about a change in progress of the current operation. When a document is loaded, the object uses the xbeHTML_ProgressChange notification to inform the application about the progress made.

To calculate the percentage of progress, the application may apply the following formula:

Int( (nProgress * 100) / nProgressMax), 100 )


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