HRF Programmer's Guide Professional
The HTML Reflection Framework (HRF) is an implementation of the Document Object Model 1.0 (DOM) specification of the W3C (see The HRF is implemented as an Xbase++ class-model reflecting any HTML document and its contents. The HRF includes an object generator which can parse a HTML page and reflect it via a collection of objects. This enables Xbase++ developers to transparently manipulate HTML documents on the PRG source code level. Similar to the Parent/Child relationship of Xbase Parts, the structure of a HTML document is represented as a tree structure of objects. This is illustrated in the following picture.
The driving force for the development of the HRF is the increasing demand for creating/modifying HTML documents with dynamic content. Publishing frequently changing data on-time, for example, requires tables to be modified in HTML documents, rows/cells in tables must be added/removed or their content must be changed, etc. This imposes a continuously increasing complexity for Web site administration which can be eased by connecting database and Internet technology. The major design goals for the HRF are therefore:
The advantages of the HTML Reflection Framework are:
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