Class XbpHTMLElement() Foundation

Class function of the XbpHTMLElement class.


Objects of the XbpHTMLElement class represent elements in the HTML markup loaded into an XbpHTMLWindow() object.

Instances of the XbpHTMLElement class are not created directly in application code. Instead, HTML elements are returned by methods such as :childFromName().

Once an HTML element reference is obtained by the application, it can be used to change properties of the corresponding view element, or it can be used to register code blocks for handling events such as mouse clicks.

The HTML markup displayed by the element.
The id of the element.
The name of the element.
The inner text of the element.
Event Callbacks
The element has expandable behavior and was collapsed
The element has expandable behavior and was expanded
The element has edit field-like behavior and a character was entered via the keyboard.
The left mouse button was clicked over the element.
A double-click was performed over the element with the left mouse button.
The right mouse button was clicked over the element.
A double-click was performed over the element with the right mouse button.
Methods for accessing view elements
Retrieves a view element given its identifier.
Retrieves an HTML element given its identifier.

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