Class HttpMessagePart() Foundation

Class function of the HttpMessagePart class.


The class HttpMessagePart provides interfaces for defining HTTP headers, content as well as multi-part content.

Class Methods
Creates an instance of the HttpMessagePart class.
HTTP Headers
Adds a HTTP header.
Deletes a HTTP header.
Gets a HTTP header by its name.
Gets all HTTP headers.
Sets the value of a HTTP header element.
HTTP Content
Gets the content.
Sets the content.
Defines the charset of the content.
Defines the content encoding.
Sets the content type.
Message Parts
Adds a part to a message.
Gets all parts added to a message.
Gets a part added to a message.
Gets the number of parts in a message.
Deletes a part from a multi-part message.
Saves the content of a message part to a file.
Adds a file to a message.
Sets the value of a file part.

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