Specific APIs:spc

Example for building a C-API project Foundation

This section demonstrates how to use the C-API within your projects. An example is discussed in detail showing the different steps required to compile your C-sources and link them to an Xbase++ application.


Make sure you have installed the Xbase++ C-API correctly.

The following files must be located in a directory listed in your INCLUDE-path.

xppdef.h, xppcon.h, xpppar.h 

You need Microsoft Visual-C++ Version 4.0 or higher.

You need IBM VisualAge-C++ Version 3.0 or higher.

Also make sure that the directories of your C-compiler are correctly listed in the PATH, LIB and INCLUDE environment variables.


Create a makefile to build both the Xbase++ source and the C-source and link the two resulting OBJ files. The makefile includes the following instructions:

CC=cl /c /Zl /Tc  
LINK=alink /DE 

sample.exe: sample.obj f2bin.obj 
    $(LINK) sample.obj f2bin.obj 

sample.obj: sample.prg 
     xpp /b /q $* 

f2bin.obj: f2bin.c 
     $(CC) f2bin.c 

Now you can write your C-API functions

In the example, any numeric value is converted to an 8-Byte-binary string and vice versa. The code in the file F2BIN.C looks like this:

#include <windows.h> 

#include "xppdef.h" 
#include "xpppar.h" 
#include "xppcon.h" 

#ifdef _MSC_VER 
int _fltused; 

#define MAXLEN 8 
/* this is the "little secret": 
 * treat the memory of a double 
 * like a string with 8 bytes (and the terminating 0) 
typedef union { 
   double dbl; 
   char string[MAXLEN+1]; 
} F2BinBuffer; 

 * Create a binary string from a numeric 
 * F2BIN(nNumber) => c8Binary  
XPPRET XPPENTRY F2BIN(XppParamList paramList) { 
   ContainerHandle chResult = _conNew(NULLCONTAINER); 
   F2BinBuffer valBuffer={0}; 
   if ( XPP_IS_NUM( _partype( paramList, 1) ) ) { 
      valBuffer.dbl = _parnd( paramList, 1); 
   else { 
      // return a 0-filled buffer if any errors 
      valBuffer.dbl = 0.0; 
   _conPutCL( chResult, valBuffer.string, MAXLEN );     
   _conReturn( paramList, chResult); 
   _conRelease( chResult); 

 * reverse the binary string to a numeric 
 * BIN2F(c8Binary) => nNumber (0 if any parameter errors) 
XPPRET XPPENTRY BIN2F(XppParamList paramList) { 
   F2BinBuffer valBuffer={0}; 
   if ( XPP_IS_CHAR( _partype( paramList, 1) ) ) { 
      _parc( valBuffer.string, MAXLEN+1, paramList, 1 ); 
   _retnd( paramList, valBuffer.dbl); 

Use the functions in your Xbase++ code

The C-compiler mangles __cdecl function names with a preceding underscore. Therefore, you must map the function names in your Xbase++ code to match the actual C-function names (refer to the next section for details about #pragma map). The following Xbase++ code tests the C-functions F2Bin() and Bin2F() (file SAMPLE.PRG):

#pragma map(F2BIN,"_F2BIN") 
#pragma map(BIN2F,"_BIN2F") 

   LOCAL nNumber, cTemp 

   /* XPP_DOUBLE - Test */ 
   nNumber := 100.234e16 
   ? nNumber 
   cTemp := F2Bin(nNumber) 
   nNumber := Bin2F(cTemp) 
   ? nNumber 

   /* XPP_NUMERIC - Test */ 
   nNumber := 45345 
   ? nNumber 
   cTemp := F2Bin(nNumber) 
   nNumber := Bin2F(cTemp) 
   ? nNumber 

Build the project

To build the project you enter on the command line:

make -f <name of makefile> 


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