Method ActiveXObject():fireEvent() Foundation

Fires a COM/ActiveX event.

:fireEvent( <cName> | <nDISPID>,  [<param1>, ... ] ) --> xReturn
<cName> is a character string with the name of the event to be fired.
<nDISPID> is a numeric value that specifies the dispatch ID (DISPID) of the event to be fired. This parameter may be used as an alternative to <cName>.
[<param1>, ... ]
Optional event parameters for the event to be fired. The number and values of the event parameters that must be passed for an event vary depending on the event.

This method returns a value defined by the event handler that processed the event fired. If firing the event failed for any reason, :fireEvent()returns NIL.


The method :fireEvent() can be used by an Xbase++ application to fire a COM/ActiveX event. When a COM/ActiveX event is fired, the ActiveXObject's default event handler :comDefaultHandler() is called to handle the event.

Calling the method :fireEvent() does not invoke a method or property of the connected COM/ActiveX component. Instead, the corresponding event callback code block or method is called for handling the event specified in parameters <cName> or <nDISPID>, respectively.


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